Wednesday, July 30

The Black Rose Paradox

Everything is perfect. You like the same TV shows, your ideas of health, hygiene, activity, exercise and nutrition are the same. You love, cuddle, small talk, have conversations, go out, have dinners, watch movies together, have the same set of friends you both love to meet. You laugh, you cry, you share, you despair, you fight, you crib, you bitch, you twitch. You all of that together. Yet, there is a loneliness, an awkwardness. There is hurt and there is resentment.

Would you walk out of an otherwise loving relationship where everything else is perfect?

This is the Black Rose Paradox.

In a beautiful garden, or a well laid out eye pleasing bouquet, there pops up a black rose. The tiny little shining thing is a marvel in itself. It's a priceless, unique and evasive to the common man. Yet, in the larger frame of things, its an eye sore. It's that small speck of someone's wish which deflates the bubble of joy. It's the same for human relations.

Walk up to someone and tell them you hate a black rose, and the quizzical, surprised, astonished reactions you'll get will be hard to bear. Talk to the gardener or the florist who put it in, and they'll point out how everything else is perfect. And how the black rose you are getting is far more than what you bargained for. It's the same in life situations.

But then, why would I buy a skirt, I don't like, because it is the winner at the season's fashion week. Why would I buy a diamond when i neither like the stone nor the setting in which it has come to me. As humans, we all have our own likes, preferences, demands and visions.

All this gets complicated when you are not the only when taking a decision. Imagine buying a TV for the house. You need something with a pause and play functionality, whereas your husband needs something that can support his gaming systems. You settle for something that either makes one of you happy or makes the both of you content. in any case, on of you either feels that they spent more than what was required or feels short-changed for not getting what they wanted.

This black rose is a reality of all our lives. As kids, we give in to dreams of our parents. As parents, we give in to needs and requirements of our kids. As spouses, we do this all the time. As adults, we give in to demands of our ageing parents. As ageing parents, we give into constraints of an earning child.

The paradox stows its head up, when the same person in the exchange keeps getting the black rose. The gardener will never realize. Neither will the florist ever. They are doing more than they ought to. But the receiver is stifled. It's getting harder to breathe every minute. It's time to crush the black rose.

The gardener will abuse, the florist will call you a fool. But you know what, you just couldn't care less.

Tuesday, December 11

Shades of Hue

Yesterday, I attended a friend’s wedding. For the first time at a close wedding, I was not a participant, I was a spectator. And being a spectator, gives you time to think through things, to speculate, to reflect about your own life and where it is headed.
So what’s the big story in my life right now? Well, I am in love, rather been in love for a good 3 years now. I am 25. And like almost every girl my age, my parents’ only concern in broad daylight and in their every night’s sleep is my marriage. They have been brooding over it for so long that they probably by now have everything planned out to the T, including the venue, the guest list and also what to do with the extra space in the house when am gone. The only thing they do not have finalized is the guy. I have that detail for them. Just that I can’t get them the surety they are looking for.
It’s not that I myself lack this surety. I have never doubted my decision to love and partner this guy all through my life since the day, I decided that ‘This is it’, almost two years back. I am as ready for marriage as I could ever be. For me it’s the next goal to achieve in life. It’s something I look forward to, something that excites me in my otherwise extremely boring life.
I have talked it out with him; I know I can trust him when he says he’d marry me. I know he would someday soon. He is finding his feet, getting steady on them before he can sweep me off mine. I totally agree there. I can definitely wait. I am in no hurry myself to be married. But in this picture perfect world that my parents and he have for me, there is a nightmare I live.
I have no dreams of my own.
Everyone has a picture of who they want to be, what they want to do with their life, where they want to reach in their career. I have now for so long in life lived each day as it comes that I’ve forgotten how to dream. I have forgotten what having a castle in the cloud feels like.
The wedding, the one I attended yesterday, made me think. It made me question myself. Being so close to that milestone in my life, do I have plans? Do I look forward to it? Do I envisage it in a certain way? Does it make me feel happy?
No, no, no and no.
The thought of marriage, at least today, makes me utterly uncomfortable and leaves me very confused. I don’t want to get married because that is something I want, but because I want to be wanted. I feel worthless when every day I ask the same questions, when I try and push him every day to agree to marry me sooner than later. I would have wanted him to propose marriage to me, like they show in the movies. Maybe not that elaborate, but at least ask me. I didn’t think then, but I repent it now. That moment is lost. Forever. I feel shitty when I think it’s only me who dreams of this marriage. I don’t want it rushed, I don’t want it forced. On either of us. I want him to be comfortable with this idea. I want him to feel happy and excited about the idea of spending the rest of his life with me. It’s not a decision we can change, I want both of us to have thought about it and be mentally prepared to tolerate each other for eternity before we take that leap. I wish my parents understood that. I wish I didn’t push him. But it’s done. The golden moment so lost that nothing in life can make up for it.
When I retrospect I feel it was only yesterday that I was drowned in the idea of getting married, I wanted to move on in life to a more beautiful place, to a new set of people who would make me family. It was all about starting my family anew, leaving behind a past I don’t really cherish, something I have never been proud of. But that was 3 years ago. Or was it more? I can’t remember, and I am glad I have no memories of that time.
I have matured too much for my liking. The love, the relationship is not bubbly. It’s not infectious. It’s not the typical teenage love everyone dreams of. Maybe I didn’t realize when I aged. It is age. It’s not the same anymore. The talking for hours at a stretch, walking hand in hand, mesmerizing in each other’s stare, thinking about him at all times and places don’t happen anymore. I feel scared that I have altogether stopped thinking with my heart. I fear that this decision is too rational.  So rational that it takes the essence out of itself. Maybe that is why I see it as a milestone, a goal. On the other hand, my heart scares me. It’s turmoil in itself. It doesn’t want to do, it wants to get. When I think with my heart, I am an emotional fool. A fool who wants everything for herself. The lavishness, the cheesiness, the teenage drama, the pampering. On a very conscious level, I hate it. I fringe at it when I see others doing it. But I am a girl after all. Does that explain all this?
I let my heart do the talking today. I let it speak to me today and tell me what it desires. It wants me to feel like a princess, it wants to see me pampered. Oh it so sounds like a mother!
It dreams of him getting down on his knee, in a crowd, and saying out those golden words to me. It dreams of the smile on his face that I miss today. It yearns for the reciprocation of the eagerness I radiate for this bond. It yearns for a fairytale wedding. A happily ever after.
My heart looks at me and pities my state. It begs of me today to stop my continuous pestering. It compels me today to stop trying and let it be. It tells me to stop fighting a battle I would eventually win. It tells me the war would only get me injured and hurt and broken. It might just make it all ugly. It compels me today to step back, to breathe, to take in all that I have for so long been avoiding, ignoring, side stepping.
I will listen to that oh-so-sweet heart of mine. I will sit back, wait, be patient and let the world around me surprise me. I would wait for the rest of my golden moments to happen, not preempting them and stealing away their charm. I will wait, as apprehensive as I might be, I will.
I hope this hope in my heart doesn’t take me crashing down with it. It’s been so capable of it in the past.